Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air!!!  Happy May everyone!  Hopefully, we are done with the April showers and ready to experience all the May flowers.  We are half way into spring, only another month and a half before we come upon the first day of summer.  How have we been doing with our spring goals???  Have we been focusing on what's important to us?  Pushing just a little further?  If the answer is yes, I am sure you are happy & in turn, seeing the results of your hard work.

If the answer is no, not a problem!!!  Just start anew tomorrow.  It's never too late to start over.  It's the best thing you could do!! Don't give up!!!

As I mentioned last month, one of my two goals was to cook a little more healthy & with less salt, as a result of my husband having his blood pressure checked and being diagnosed as borderline high!!!  Although I never really put a salt shaker on the table, it seemed the ingredients I was cooking with in the past had contained high salt contents that I was unaware of.  The day after his doctor's appointment, I bought myself a new cookbook, Googled the hell out of "low sodium" recipes, and educated myself about a change in lifestyle to lower blood pressure without medication.  I'll be damned if I'm going to watch my 46 year old husband go on medication.  Since I do love to cook, I thought of this as a kind of challenge.  Would I still be able to cook & serve the same appetizing meals as before but with less salt content & still not have it taste bland?  Well, this led to a whole kitchen cabinet clean out!!!  I rearranged all my spices, bought new ones & added several "no salt seasonings".

It was fun to educate myself.  For example, learning to increase potassium, learning little tricks to keep things tasty using vinegars, oils & lemon juice.  I thought to myself, this is great, not only will it benefit my husband, but the whole family.  I certainly don't need the extra salt, as my two girls don't either.  It has truly been a lifestyle change.

I am thrilled to report that three weeks after his diagnosis, my husband went for a stress test.  His blood pressure had decreased by 25 points!!!!  A week later, he visited his Cardiologist for a follow-up & his blood pressure had remained at that same number.  Needless to say, we still have more work ahead of us....the dreaded word "exercise"!  I love it, exercise, that is, ....he's not a fan!!!  With the nicer weather coming, we will get out for walks & take the bikes out.  He knows I'm right & there's nothing worse than a nagging wife!!!

I hope I was motivational for anyone who needed it!!!!  The days are getting longer, the weather is getting nicer, what better way to enjoy it than to feel good!!!  So many fun things to look forward to, Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, graduations, & even simple family get-togethers.  Make them count, make them your best!

Again, please don't forget to use sunscreen!!! Cool air & hot sun can cause irreparable damage!! Also, if you have been out for a day in the sun, back by popular demand,  Limited-Edition Mary Kay After-Sun Replenishing Gel puts the care in sun care! Formulated with botanical extracts rich in soothing antioxidants, this gel absorbs quickly and replenishes vital moisture to the body. Great for skin exposed to sun and wind. Get warm-weather ready today!
30 minutes a day!!!  Do something new for yourself to achieve your spring goal.  Walking, a new class at the gym, a new "healthy" recipe, anything that will clear your head & help you create a positive result for yourself.

You're always beautiful when you smile.......